Gymnastics for Kids

Gymnastics for Kids Image
Pre-School Gymnastics
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Artistic Gymnastics for Girls
Artistic Gymnastics for Boys
Fitnastics 18+
Welcome to Zanis Gymnastics Academy

Zanis Gymnastics Academy was founded by Zani Prinsloo in 1991. The Zanis Programme was compiled by Zani herself after intense studies in Human Movement Science, as well as her Honores in Sports Psychology at the University of Pretoria. Zani compiled her programme according to international standards, combining it with years of coaching experience as well as being a gymnast herself from the age of three. Zani is also the founder of the NinjaZanis program, which was launched in January 2022 in Polokwane, South Africa.

Pre-school (2-6 years)

The Zanis Programme is one of the most complete and safest body development programmes for pre-schoolers. The Zanis Pre-School Classes take place during mornings up to 14:00, and pre-schoolers are transported from pre-schools to Zanis and back. Parents also have the option to bring the gymnasts themselves.

Recreation (6 - 12 years)

NinjaZanis & Champs Program for boys and girls not interested in competing, but still be active and fit!

Competition (6-18 years)

Zanis Gymnastics Academy is affiliated with the Gymnastics South Africa (GSA). The Zanis Competition Programme is based on routines compiled by SAGF, and all gymnasts are registered to this National Body. These gymnasts train during afternoons from 14:00 onwards.

Zanis Gymnastics Academy is well-known and feared in gymnastics circles in South Africa, as Zanis delivers many SA, Inter-provincial and Zone Winners every year.

Zanis is driven by a Passion for Perfection
Quick Info
  • New gymnasts are welcome to attend a TRIAL lesson (R100). Please contact us for an appointment.
  • Zanis requires an annual membership fee, Gymnastics SA registration included.
  • Fees are charged per quarter, two installments per quarter are allowed.
  • Fees are available on request and calculated according to the amount of training hours per week.
  • Club & Training Attire to order with your coach!
  • No training on public holidays or school holidays.
  • Please contact us for banking details.
Gymnastics South Africa Logo Image
IMSSDA Logo Image
Ninja Zanis Logo Image
Zanis Champs Logo Image
Federation Internationale de Gymnastique Logo Image
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